Saturday, October 9, 2010

Atlas of EEG in Critical Care, 2010

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  • Atlas of EEG in Critical Care is a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the uses of EEG monitoring in the critical care setting. It includes basic EEG patterns seen in encephalopathy, both specific and nonspecific, nonconvulsive seizures, periodic EEG patterns, and controversial patterns on the ictal–interictal continuum. Confusing artefacts, including ones that mimic seizures, are shown and explained. The new standardized nomenclature for these patterns is included.
After the major section on EEG patterns from both a basic and advanced viewpoint, there is an extensive section on prolonged continuous digital EEG monitoring, including data reduction, screening, and trending techniques such as compressed spectral array. These techniques can aid efficient recognition of seizures, ischemia, and other neurologic events, and can help visualize long-term trends.
  • Explains principles of technique and interpretation of recordings
  • Discusses methods of data management, and ‘trending’ central to long-term monitoring
  • Demonstrates applications in multi-modal monitoring, correlating with new techniques such as microdialysis
  • Features superb illustrations of commonly observed neurologic events, including seizures, hemorrhagic stroke and ischemia
  • Illustrates commonly observed artifacts and ‘problem’ readings
  • Includes new nomenclature for EEG findings in the critically ill
Atlas of EEG in Critical Care is an essential tool for practitioners, fellows and residents in critical care medicine, neurology, epilepsy, and clinical neurophysiology.

  • Hardcover: 344 pages
  • Publisher: Wiley; Ill edition (March 9, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0470987863
  • ISBN-13: 978-0470987865
  • Product Dimensions: 10.7 x 8.8 x 0.9 inches

DOWNLOAD :  megaupload

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